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Use of Cookies

This site uses cookies to improve your experience. By using this site, you agree to the use of cookies, in accordance with our Privacy Policy.  

​ Clear your doubts:  Cookies are small files created by websites visited and which are saved on the user's computer through the browser. These files contain information that serves to identify the visitor, either to customize the page according to the profile or to facilitate the transport of data between the pages of the same site.

E-commerce: Sites create cookies and save the file on the user's PC to personalize navigation. In e-commerce, this strategy serves to keep items added to a shopping cart even if the person changes pages, when browsing between multiple products. Without cookies, the website would not be able to keep the information saved along the way. In addition to preserving data during traffic, cookies work as a computer identifier. Based on this, online addresses can customize ads and highlights to be shown to you based on your past visit history.

Login and forms: Retrieving something that has been typed before can be done by using cookies on the site. Through this feature, names, addresses, registration data in forms or search terms used in search fields can be restored. In addition, cookies work to remember that a user is logged into a website. When entering a service that requires a password, authentication is active even after refreshing the page or browsing the internal addresses. Without cookies, sites like Netflix, YouTube or anyone else with linked user accounts would need a new login for each video uploaded.

Privacy: To enable shopping carts, long-lasting logins and other elements that improve the browsing experience, cookies ask for user privacy in return. Sites may use information available in these files to compose an identification pattern on the web, which does not depend on direct visits to the site. By using this practice, a store can know your consumption pattern even if you have never accessed the company's website before.

Remove Cookies: Removing cookies can be done by clearing your browsing history. It is also possible to delete just one day's history, or select the site that should be deleted from the history to get rid of specific cookies that have recently been accessed without affecting the functioning of other sites.

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