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Terms and conditions
By contracting the service, you declare that you are in agreement with the terms and conditions described on the website.
All personal information registered on the site will be used only for the creation of the project, and its sharing is prohibited. Financial data will only be used to process the purchase. No sharing of customer information
Publication of works
All projects prepared can be used to publicize our work.
Originale has Total Freedom to publish any service created, be it visual identity, illustrations and others, for the purpose of attribution of authorship or dissemination of our services without the need for prior authorization from the client.
Rights guaranteed by the Federal Copyright Law No. 9610 of February 19, 1998 available at https://www2.senado.leg.br/bdsf/handle/id/243240 . By the same, it is constituted a crime to copy Total or partial without prior authorization of any project developed. You may not distribute, donate, resell, sublicense, share on social media or alter any original product.
It is not allowed to use the files outside of the contracted purpose.
Check the rates and ask your questions before finalizing the purchase on the site. If necessary, request a quote through the contacts tab. The amounts charged are defined according to the style of creation and complexity of each project.
Cancellation or withdrawal
The customer may cancel their purchase by canceling their purchase when:
Before sending the briefing and within 7 days after the purchase, 100% of the value will be refunded;
After sending the briefing and starting the project without sending a sample, 70% of the value will be refunded;
After sending the sample, 50% of the value will be refunded;
If there is a withdrawal by the customer after the beginning of the project, sending the sample and finishing it, no amount will be refunded.
Refunds will be made in accordance with the payment methods made by the site. If the payment method was via credit card, the chargeback will be made according to the card company, and the customer must check the balance on his invoice.
All creative projects are exclusive to each client according to the briefing, however, if necessary, we will use vector files from free or premium banks.
We will use the typography available in our database. If the client wants a specific font in his project which we do not have in storage, a similar font will be used. If the customer insists, he must provide the source in question.
From the project
Before making the purchase, contact us to check availability on the agenda.
All procedures/contacts to carry out the project will be carried out via email after confirmation of payment.
After confirming the payment, you will receive an email with a research briefing document for the production of your art. The client will have a period of up to 5 (five) business days to send the duly completed file. If there are attachments, they must be sent together with the briefing. All files submitted for use in the project must be in the possession of the client and he is responsible for the copyright or permissions for another we are not responsible for the use of copyrighted files.
Only after receiving the briefing, the project starts.
If necessary, we will contact you via WhatsApp.
Mascots – The client will receive the sketch of the hand-made drawing for approval of position, gestures and shapes. After the agreement, the mascot is vectorized and colored in Illustrator.
During the creation process, the customer can request up to 03 changes in mascot. Upon reaching the limit, a fee will be charged according to the current table.
Other products – All projects will be carried out according to the completion of the briefing. The customer is responsible for the information passed, such as names, colors, shapes. During the creation process, the client can request up to 05 changes in the project, such as used fonts, colors, sayings, images. Upon reaching the limit, a fee will be charged according to the current table.
*Changes will not be considered: Change of mind, requests for changes or creation of different styles after sending the sample already vectorized (in case of a mascot), such as changing from a Cute mascot to a 3D mascot.
If you choose a project different from the one that was contracted, a fee will be charged for the item, the first project being discarded, not being possible to be used again.
All projects will be sent by email in drive in Adobe Illustrator, CDR Corel Draw, PS Adobe Photoshop, PNG, PDF and JPG formats. The customer must download the file immediately after receiving the email. Files will be available for up to 7 days. The customer will be responsible for downloading and saving the files to one or more secure locations, such as an external drive, flash drive and/or computer.
After 7 days, the drive link is deleted. No new access possible.
If the customer needs to access the files again, he must contact us by e-mail, informing the order number. In this case, a fee of R$ 10.00 will be charged for a new access.
Finished projects will remain in our custody for up to 1 year. After this period, it can be discarded.
Important: Color variations may occur according to the monitor used, as well as the printer and ink brand for printing. That's why we will send the color palette with the appropriate codes in each project.
Any additional item or service added to the project will be charged according to the current table.
We reserve the right to make price changes without prior notice.
Budgets will be valid for 5 working days from their date. After that date, changes may be made.
Prompt delivery/promotion projects
Prompt delivery products/projects, such as mascots and logos being at promotional values, may have changes according to:
In the case of a pet – change hair color, eye color, clothing color. Add props like bows, glasses, earrings. It is NOT possible to change position, hair size, pet model or add objects or animals. For these changes, we suggest purchasing a new custom project.
Check the product description for availability.
my software
To make the mascot: Adobe Illustrator AI
For making other static arts: Corel Draw CDR, Adobe Illustrator AI and Adobe Photoshop PS
For crafting animated arts: After Effects and Adobe Premiere
Rights and duties
From Originale Studio Criativo:
To owe:
Develop the project according to the briefing filled in by the client, respecting their characteristics and wishes.
Send all project material as advertised, in drive.
Respond to the customer with respect and cordiality, through the existing means of communication.
Keep the client informed of any problems involving the development of the project.
Decline the project depending on schedule, intended content or circumstances.
Reschedule the project delivery date due to lack of information or customer response.
Postponing the agreed delivery time due to circumstances that may compromise the schedule, such as health problems, bereavement, defect or lack of equipment.
Charge an extra fee for changes that exceed agreed upon limits.
Promote the project to your clients on social networks or portfolios.
On behalf of the customer:
To owe:
Make payment for the artwork within the stipulated period according to the payment methods chosen. Being aware that, if payment is not made, the project is immediately canceled and the schedule date released.
Fill in the briefing correctly with all relevant information for the preparation of the project, aware that we depend on this information for a good project result.
Wait and respect project delivery deadlines
Download and store the files in safe places, being responsible for their proper use.
Receive all material purchased as advertised.
Receive the briefing to be answered.
Receive the due service to clarify doubts about your projects.
Have up to 3 changes taken care of in the case of a pet and up to 5 changes in other services, without being charged for it.